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Create object to adapt proposal with per dimension scales based on estimates of target distribution variances.


variance_adapter(proposal, kappa = 0.6)



Proposal object to adapt. Must define an update function which accepts a parameter shape for setting shape parameter of proposal.


Decay rate exponent in [0.5, 1] for adaptation learning rate.


List of functions with entries

  • initialize, a function for initializing adapter state at beginning of chain,

  • update a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on each chain iteration,

  • finalize a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL if unused).


target_distribution <- list(
  log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2,
  grad_log_density = function(x) -x
proposal <- barker_proposal(target_distribution)
adapter <- variance_adapter(proposal)