The UCL Research Software Dashboard

James Hetherington

Most Researchers Make Software

56% of Researchers write their own software

Software as a research output

Software can be a highly citable and impactful scientific output

UCL does a great job of promoting its traditional research outputs

Ten Million Downloads for UCL Discovery

UCL researchers make loads of awesome software

Even just the projects we support in RSD group is a long list

Knowing about the software made in UCL would be useful

  • Finding other people using similar tools and languages
  • Finding software written in UCL which you can use
  • Promoting your software to UCL users

Software, Data and Publications

  • "The Trinity of Reproducible Open Science"

By associating a persistent public page for UCL-written research software, we move towards true reproducibility for computationally based research, linking the code that analysed data, the data that it processed, and the resulting research findings.

So we made a Research Software Dashboard

Never enter the same data twice

A key design philosophy for the Dashboard was to pull in data from the UCL personnel, grants, and publications databases, and from other services such as ORCID and CCP-Forge.

You've already told UCL about your papers once, you shouldn't have to do it again when associating software with papers.

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