Testing Setup

This directory contains scripts for installing the environment needed for the course and testing your machine to make sure you have the software you’ll need for your workshop installed. To use these scripts:

Linur or Mac


If you are using Linux or Mac download:


If you have a Mac M1 or M2 chip, you first need to tell conda that you want to look for M1 and M2 versions first instead of Intel chip versions. Open up the .condarc file located your home directory in a text editor and add the following line to the file:

subdirs: osx-arm64

Then save the file and close the text editor.

If you are using Linux or Mac, find the directory where you downloaded the installation script and run the command from the shell.

$ bash swc-installation.sh

Proceed to the Setting up your environment section below.



If you are running Windows, download:


Click with the right button on the swc-installation.ps1 that you downloadedswc-installation.ps1 that you downloaded and select Run with PowerShell. This may prompt a question about Change of policies, if so answer Yes.

Proceed to the Setting up your environment section below.

Setting up your environment

Once you have downloaded and installed, complete the following steps.

  1. The install script above will create an environment named ‘python_course’. Please activate that environment with the following command:
       $ conda activate python_course
  2. Download swc-installation-test-1.py.

  3. Run it from the shell:

    $ python swc-installation-test-1.py
  4. Download swc-installation-test-2.py.

  5. Run it from the shell:

    $ python swc-installation-test-2.py
    check virtual-shell...  pass
    virtual-shell Bourne Again Shell (bash) 4.2.37

    If you see something like:

    $ python swc-installation-test-2.py
    check virtual-shell...  fail
    check for command line shell (virtual-shell) failed:
      command line shell (virtual-shell) requires at least one of the following dependencies
      For instructions on installing an up-to-date version, see
      check for Bourne Again Shell (bash) failed:
        could not find 'bash' executable for Bourne Again Shell (bash)
        For instructions on installing an up-to-date version, see

    follow the suggestions to try and install any missing software. For additional troubleshooting information, you can use the --verbose option:

    $ python swc-installation-test-2.py --verbose
    check virtual-shell...  fail
    System information
    os.name            : posix