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The chain state object provides cached access to target distribution log density and its gradient.


chain_state(position, momentum = NULL)



Position component of chain state.


Momentum component of chain state. Optional.


New chain state object. A list with entries

  • position: A zero-argument function to evaluate position vector.

  • momentum: A zero-argument function to evaluate momentum vector.

  • dimension: A zero-argument function evaluate dimension of position and momentum vectors.

  • update: A function accepting arguments position and momentum for updating the value of one or both of these state components.

  • copy: A function for creating a copy of the state object including any cached values.

  • log_density: A function accepting argument target_distribution for evaluating the log density of the target distribution at the current state, with caching of the value to avoid recomputation on subsequent calls.

  • gradient_log_density: A function accepting argument target_distribution for evaluating the gradient of the log density of the target distribution at the current state, with caching of the value to avoid recomputation on subsequent calls.


state <- chain_state(c(0.1, -0.5))
target_distribution <- list(
  log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2,
  gradient_log_density = function(x) -x
#> [1] -0.1  0.5