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SuPReMo  0.1.1
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Getting started with SuPReMo

Building from source



The cross platform make-file generator is used to manage the build on various platforms. CMake can be downloaded here. Please install a reasonably recent version on your system, a minimum of version 3.3 is required by the CMakeLists.txt.


During the build step SuPReMo links to the libraries of nifty-reg which is available here and the build will be described below.

Building SuPReMo on a Linux system

The steps below describe how to build SuPReMo (and nifty-reg) on a Linux system. We perform an out-of source build for both, nifty-reg and SuPReMo. Choose a location where to download and build the software packages, we will name this WORK_DIR in the instructions below.

Building nifty-reg

To build the required nifty-reg libraries in the WORK_DIR download the source code for instacne using git, create a build and an install directory and run ccmake or cmake-gui in the build directory to configure the build.

git clone --single-branch --branch 28-sliding-regions https://github.com/KCL-BMEIS/niftyreg
mkdir niftyreg_build
mkdir niftyreg_install
cd niftyreg_build
ccmake ../niftyreg

Note: Using the branch 28-sliding-regions fixes some open-mp errors that occured with gcc version 9, however, gcc version 7 works well with the master branch. When using an older compiler you can chose to replace the above git-clone with the simpler one below. The branch sliding-regions is not a pre-requisite to utilise the sliding implementation of SuPReMo:

git clone https://github.com/KCL-BMEIS/niftyreg

Configure the nifty-reg build (by pressing c) and set the following options within ccmake using the arrow keys to move up and down the options, select one by pressing enter and then type the required option value and confirm with enter. When all parameters are set, press c and then g to generate the Makefile. The cmake-gui is potentially more convenient to use but the result will be the same.

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = WORK_DIR/niftyreg_install
  • USE_SSE = ON

Still within the build-directory start the build and install the binaries to the directory defined in the configuration step above (WORK_DIR/niftyreg_install)

make install

to start the build process. On a multi-core system you may speed up the build by allowing parallel build steps where possible by usint the option -j4, for four parallel builds for instance.

To check that the installation was successful, you can get a help message from nifty-reg:

cd WORK_DIR/niftyreg_install/bin/runSupremo
reg_f3d -h

If a detailed usage message shows up on the command line, you are good to proceed.

Building SuPReMo

The build steps for SuPReMo are very similar to the ones required for nifty-reg, namely, obtaining the source code, configuring the build, building and installing.

git clone https://github.com/UCL/SuPReMo
mkdir SuPReMo_build
mkdir SuPReMo_install
cd SuPReMo_build
ccmake ../SuPReMo

Configure SuPReMo with the following optoins. Note however, that since nifty-reg is a dependency of SuPReMo, on the first connfiguration attempt an error will be raised, simply because the install path of nifty-reg is not known to cmake at this stage. Providing it during the configuration solves this. For this set the variable NiftyReg_DIR to WORK_DIR/niftyreg_install and type c. The variables NiftyReg_INCLUDE_DIR and NiftyReg_TOOLS_LIBRARY will be filled in automatically.

  • BUILD_TESTING = ON/OFF depending on if you want to run the tests on your local system
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release
  • NiftyReg_DIR = WORK_DIR/niftyreg_install/

After the configuration a message will be displayed saying niftyreg found. This must be acknowledged wtith e.

After the configuraiton, SuPReMo can be build and installed:

make install

If successful you will have the installation in WORK_DIR/SuPReMo_install and the main executable in the folder bin. You display SuPReMo's usage message on the command line by runing

WORK_DIR/SuPReMo_install/bin/runSupremo -h

Running the tests included in SuPReMo

If you want to check your local SuPReMo installation more thoroughly, you can run the tests using ctest. Navigate to the build-directory and call ctest as follows:

ctest --output-on-failure -C Release

Which will generate an output similar to this:

Test project WORK_DIR/SuPReMo_build
Start 1: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L0
1/23 Test #1: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L0 ...................................... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 2: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L1
2/23 Test #2: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L1 ...................................... Passed 0.10 sec
Start 3: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L2
3/23 Test #3: ImagePyramidTest_2D_L2 ...................................... Passed 0.09 sec
Start 4: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L0
4/23 Test #4: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L0 ...................................... Passed 0.15 sec
Start 5: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L1
5/23 Test #5: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L1 ...................................... Passed 0.15 sec
Start 6: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L2
6/23 Test #6: ImagePyramidTest_3D_L2 ...................................... Passed 0.18 sec
Start 7: ImageSimilarityMeasure_2D
7/23 Test #7: ImageSimilarityMeasure_2D ................................... Passed 0.08 sec
Start 8: BSplineTransformation_2D
8/23 Test #8: BSplineTransformation_2D .................................... Passed 0.26 sec
Start 9: BSplineTransformation_3D
9/23 Test #9: BSplineTransformation_3D .................................... Passed 0.49 sec
Start 10: AdjointTransformationTest
10/23 Test #10: AdjointTransformationTest ................................... Passed 0.32 sec
Start 11: SlidingBSplineTransformation_3D_DVF
11/23 Test #11: SlidingBSplineTransformation_3D_DVF ......................... Passed 2.48 sec
Start 12: SlidingBSplineTransformation_3D_GOCT_GRAD
12/23 Test #12: SlidingBSplineTransformation_3D_GOCT_GRAD ................... Passed 1.64 sec
Start 13: ObjectiveFunctionTest
13/23 Test #13: ObjectiveFunctionTest ....................................... Passed 9.58 sec
Start 14: WeightedAverageMoCoRecoTest
14/23 Test #14: WeightedAverageMoCoRecoTest ................................. Passed 7.29 sec
Start 15: SuperResolutionIBPRestartMoCoReco_initial_Test
15/23 Test #15: SuperResolutionIBPRestartMoCoReco_initial_Test .............. Passed 8.32 sec
Start 16: SuperResolutionIBPRestartMoCoReco_firstIt_Test
16/23 Test #16: SuperResolutionIBPRestartMoCoReco_firstIt_Test .............. Passed 7.28 sec
Start 17: SuperResolutionIBPUpdateMoCoReco_firstIt_Test
17/23 Test #17: SuperResolutionIBPUpdateMoCoReco_firstIt_Test ............... Passed 8.09 sec
Start 18: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationSAG
18/23 Test #18: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationSAG .................. Passed 0.07 sec
Start 19: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationAXI
19/23 Test #19: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationAXI .................. Passed 0.08 sec
Start 20: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationMinSizeImgAllocSAG
20/23 Test #20: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationMinSizeImgAllocSAG ... Passed 0.16 sec
Start 21: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationMinSizeImgAllocAXI
21/23 Test #21: LowResolutionImageAcquisitionSimulationMinSizeImgAllocAXI ... Passed 0.15 sec
Start 22: testLowResolutionImageAcquisitionAdjointSAG
22/23 Test #22: testLowResolutionImageAcquisitionAdjointSAG ................. Passed 0.19 sec
Start 23: testLowResolutionImageAcquisitionAdjointAXI
23/23 Test #23: testLowResolutionImageAcquisitionAdjointAXI ................. Passed 0.20 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 23
Total Test time (real) = 47.75 sec