If you have used the previous implementation of the generalised image registration and motion-modelling framework called Nifty-Reg-Resp then you will need to adapt the command line parameters according to the table below. SuPReMo has extended functionality over reg-resp.
reg_resp | runSupremo | Pattern | Description |
-static | -refState | [fName] | Reference state/static image |
-dynamic | -dynamic | [int] [fName] | File containing list of dynamic images and the total number of dynamic images |
-surr | -surr | [int] [fName] | File containting the surrogate signal and the number of signals used |
-dType | -dType | [int] | Dynamic image data type [0] = full res images, [1] = low res images |
-defSpace | -defSpace | [fName] | File name of image that defines the space of the deformed iamges |
-mcrType | -mcrType | [int] | Motion compensation [0] none, [1] average weighting, [2] SR, restart, [3] SR update |
-maxMCRIt | -maxMCRIt | [int] | Number of iterations used for iterative MCR method |
-rcm | -outRCM | [fName] | Path to save the respratory correspondence model (RCM) to |
-saveDyn | -outSimDyn | [fName] | Path to save the simulated dynamic images to |
-saveMCR | -outMCR | [fName] | Path to save the motion-compensated reconstruction images to |
-saveInterMCRs | -outInterMCR | [fName] | Path to save the motion-compensated reconstruction images to |
-outInterGrad | [fName] | Path to save the intermediate gradient to (experimental) | |
-sx | -sx | [float] | Final grid spacing along x axis (in mm if positive, in voxels if negative) |
-sy | -sy | [float] | Final grid spacing along y axis (in mm if positive, in voxels if negative) |
-sz | -sz | [float] | Final grid spacing along z axis (in mm if positive, in voxels if negative) |
-be | -be | [float] | Bending energy constraint weight |
-le | [float] | Linear energy constraint weight (experimental) | |
-maxSwitchIt | -maxSwitchIt | [int] | Maximum number of switches between fitting and reconstruction |
-ln | -ln | [int] | Number of pypramid levels generated |
-lp | -lp | [int] | Number of pypramid levels used |
-maxFitIt | -maxFitIt | [int] | Number of iterations to fit the motion model |