TThe UCL-MOAP Hacking-the-climate event is a 4-day hackathon event, organised by UCL Geography and UCL Statistical Science. Over the course of the event, teams of students from many different departments will work on challenges related to the Met Office’s UK Climate Projections ‘18. We encourage contributions from early career researchers, including PhDs and Postdocs.

The hackathon is jointly funded by UCL Geography, UCL Statistical Science, the Met Office and the UCL eResearch Domain Community-Based Initiative scheme, with support from UCL Research Software Development.

The organising team

To contact us about the hackathon, please email Chris or Clair.

Chris Dr Chris Brierley
Department of Geography, University College London
Associate Professor in Climate Science
Clair Barnes Clair Barnes
Department of Statistical Science, University College London
Postdoctoral Research Associate

The Met Office Academic Partnership

The Met Office Academic Partnership is a cluster of research excellence that brings together the Met Office and the leading UK Universities in weather and climate science (Bristol, Exeter, Leeds, Oxford, Reading and UCL) through a formal collaboration to advance the science and skill of weather and climate prediction.

Read more about MOAP.