
UCL Research Software Development Talks


Talks about tools and techniques that we think are interesting or important.

Software Carpentry: Compressed Edition

This talk is an introduction to Software Carpentry, a training course on programming skills for researchers. The full syllabus takes two days, and is run regularly in UCL. This talk provides a brief, one-hour introduction to the material, as a taster, to encourage people to attend the full event.

Practical Version Control and Issue Tracking

Version control is the most important professional software engineering tool for research, allowing rigorous tracking of which version of software is used for which analysis or simulation. Its adoption is the first step which any research project should take in improving their research progamming practices. This talk introduces the concepts of version control, common to the various tools which are used by different labs.

Deployment with Fabric for HPC

If you manually ssh into a supercomputer and build the latest version of your code, and qsub each job individually, you are doing it wrong. This talk explains how to use scripting tools such as Fabric to automate the process of shipping your software to a cluster, running an analysis, and shipping results back.