- Repetition leads to boredom
- Boredom leads to horrifying mistakes
- Horrifying mistakes lead to God-I-wish-I-was- still-bored -- Will Larson
Doing it wrong
If you manually shell into a remote supercomputer when you deploy into production you are doing it wrong.
Tools exist to help you manage deployment.
"Systems administration" should be treated with the same respect as development.
This is systems programming. (Aka dev ops.)
cat ~/devel/myproject/
fab deploy
from fabric.api import local = ''
env.repo = 'ssh://hg@myserver/myrepo'
def deploy():
with cd(env.remote_path)
run('git clone {repo}'.format(**env))
Fabric with supercomputers
- Maintain list of different remotes
- Maintain templates for jobscripts
- Define modules to load in fabfile, not in remote bashrc.
Fabric with supercomputers
def configure(*configurations,**extras):
"""CMake configure step for HemeLB and dependencies."""
with cd(env.build_path):
with prefix(env.build_prefix):
run(template("rm -f $build_path/CMakeCache.txt"))
run(template("cmake $repository_path $cmake_flags"))
Using fabric with multiple remotes
cd devel/projects/hemelb
fab hector cold
fab tianhe send_geometry:cylinder
fab archer hemelb:cylinder
fab dirac wait_on_run
fab legion steer
fab stampede fetch_results
Describe machines
cat ~/devel/hemelb/deploy/machines.yml
remote: ""
username: jamespjh
job_dispatch: "qsub"
run_command: "aprun -n $cores -N
batch_header: pbs
max_job_name_chars: 15
make_jobs: 4
Our use of Fabric
We use it to:
- compile, deploy and manage runs of HemeLB (a bloodflow simulation environment),
- create and manage automated workflows to iteratively optimize potentials for coarse-grained molecular dynamics systems.