The State of Research Software
The SIRO Problem
Garbage in Garbage Out
Sensible In, Reasonable Out.
- Don't look if anyone's done it before
- Code till it works
- Generate a figure
- Throw it away
- Understood by one genius
- Implements great science, now
- FORTRAN in any language
- Code not engineered for readability
- Can't add new science
- Get a 5% improvement in performance
- On a particular architecture
- Publish a scaling graph
- Selection against:
- Readability
- Maintainability
- Adaptability
- Little understanding of the science
- Overengineered
- Unmaintainable by the research group
Software Carpentry
- Founded by Greg Wilson
- Volunteer organization
- Provides online training materials on which UCL course is based.
Software Carpentry
- Intensive "bootcamp"
- Teaches the tools needed to do computational science the Right Way
- Readable
- Reliable
- Repeatable
Version Control
What Version Control is For
- Managing Code Inventory
- "When did I introduce this bug"?
- Undoing Mistakes
- Working with other programmers
- "How can I merge my work with Jim's"
What is version control?
Do some programming
my_vcs commit
Program some more
Realise mistake
my_vcs rollback
Mistake is undone
What is version control? (Team version)
Sue James
my_vcs commit
Join the team
my_vcs checkout
Do some programming
my_vcs commit
my_vcs update
Do some programming Do some programming
my_vcs commit
my_vcs update
my_vcs merge
my_vcs commit
Version Control Examples
More than great backup
- Logging
- Collaboration
- Labels for code versions
- Branches for production vs play
How Things Should Be
fetch_dataset 53b6
run_model dataset_53b6
Examine_results results_28_02_13_1_53b6_98d2
archive_results latest
create_graphs results_28_02_13_1_53b6_98d2
Program or Be Programmed
- Repetition leads to Boredom
- Boredom leads to Horrifying Mistakes
- Horrifying Mistakes lead to God-I-Wish-I-Was-Still-Bored
Automation for reproducibility
- More than saving time
- Provide a rigorous description of what was done
This talk
This talk's SConscript
pandoc_slides=Builder(action='pandoc -t revealjs -s -V theme=night'+
' --css=night.css'+
' --css=slidetheme.css'+
' --mathjax '+
' -V revealjs-url='+
dot_figure_builder=Builder(action='dot -Tpng $SOURCE -o $TARGET',
This talk's puppet manifest
# Checkout the repository from GitHub
vcsrepo {"repo-$title":
path => "/opt/gitrepos/$checkout_location",
ensure => 'latest',
owner => 'apache',
user => 'apache',
identity => '/home/ccsprsd/.ssh/id_rsa',
group => 'apache',
provider => 'git',
require => [ Package["git"], File["$service_home/.ssh/id_rsa"], ],
source => "$source",
revision => $branch,
#Run Pandoc via scons to produce the Reveal.js presentations
exec { "build-$title":
command => $command,
cwd => "/opt/gitrepos/$checkout_location/$workdir",
require => [Exec["install-pandoc"],
# Copy the C++ course directory into the web folder
file {"install-$title":
path => "$install/$target",
source => "/opt/gitrepos/$checkout_location/$sitedir",
recurse => true,
require => Exec["build-$title"],
notify => Service["httpd"],
owner => 'ccsprsd',
group => 'ccspx0',
You don't need to test if:
- Your programs always work correctly, or
- You don't care if they're correct or not, so long as their output looks plausible, and
- You like being inefficient: the more you invest in quality, the less total time it takes to build working software
Levels of Testing
- Regression testing: Does my code work the same as yesterday
- Functional testing: Does my code match an analytic solution
- Unit testing: Does this subroutine work as expected
Test-driven development
Know what you want:
def test_range_overlap():
assert range_overlap([ (0.0, 1.0), (5.0, 6.0) ]) == None
assert range_overlap([ (0.0, 1.0) ]) == (0.0, 1.0)
assert range_overlap([ (2.0, 3.0), (2.0, 4.0) ]) == (2.0, 3.0)
assert range_overlap([ (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 2.0), (-1.0, 1.0) ]) == (0.0, 1.0)
Test-driven development
Then make it happen:
def range_overlap(ranges):
'''Return common overlap among a set of [low, high] ranges.'''
highest_min=max([range[0] for range in ranges])
lowest_max=min([range[1] for range in ranges])
if (lowest_max <= highest_min): return None # Note equality
return (highest_min, lowest_max)
Tests Define Behaviour
assert range_overlap([ (0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0) ]) == None
Tests are Executable Documentation
Tests As Specifications
Testing tells you:
- If the program is doing what it's supposed to
- What the program actually is supposed to do
- Tests are runnable specifications:
- Less likely to fall out of sync with the program than documentation
Continuous Testing Infrastructure
@uclrcsoftdev @jamespjh @uclrits
And sign up to be notified of the date of the next bootcamp.
``I found the command line intimidating at first, but after a while it felt like I was inside my computer.''
-- A student at the UCL software carpentry event