
COMP0210: Research Computing with C++


Estimated Reading Time: 40 Minutes

Designing Classes & Code

Classes in C++ are extremely flexible, and there are many different ways that we could design classes for different purposes. We’ve seen how we can use inheritance and composition to describe relationships between classes and objects, and how to control how information is accessed through access specifiers, but the ways in which we put these concepts to work can have a major impact on our code. These kinds of decisions rarely have a right and wrong answer, and there is a great deal of discussion in the C++ community over what constitutes good practice, but there are some techniques and principles that you will likely find yourself using repeatedly if you work with C++ in the future and are useful to learn about now.

Good class design - and code design in general - is tailored towards the goals and priorities of a given project. In this course we will be focussing on programming for academic research, but in your career you may find yourself programming in many different contexts, and it is instructive to think about how differing priorities can lead to different design choices.

How Do We Think About Code Quality?

Programming is not just about producing code that works or passes tests. If code is not also usable, it will not be used. If code is not also maintainable, it will become unusable. There are many aspects to code quality, the importance of which depends on the intended use of the code. A very dry list of code quality measures can be found in Steve McConnell’s Code Complete:

  • External qualities
    • Correctness
    • Accuracy
    • Reliability
    • Robustness
    • Efficiency
    • Adaptability
    • Usability
  • Internal qualities
    • Maintainability
    • Flexibility
    • Portability
    • Reusability
    • Readability
    • Testability
    • Understandability

McConnell splits the list into external qualities, which are important to the user of the code, and internal qualities, which are important to the programmers who contribute to the code. Let’s look at each of these in detail.

External Qualities


Does the program do what it is meant to?


Are the results close enough to what I need?


Are the results the same every time the program is run?


Does the program handle unexpected inputs correctly?


Is the program fast enough?


Can I extend the program to do something similar but unintended?


Is the program easy to setup and use?

Internal qualities


Are bugs easy to find and to fix?


Can I easily add new features to the code?


Am I able to run the program on many different architectures and operating systems?


Can I use parts of the code in many different places?


Is the code written and designed in such a way that it’s easy to test?


How much time do I spend trying to read the code on a surface-level?


How much time do I spend trying to understand the code?

Some of these qualities are related; readability and understandability are very much entwined, as are correctness and accuracy. Being able to think about code from the perspectives of all these qualities gives you, as a programmer, a much better understanding of what it means to write good code. In saying that, codes designed for different purposes may have very different priorities when it comes to quality. For example, the software controlling a nuclear power station must be extremely correct, robust and reliable, but it may not need to be particularly portable, adaptable or even efficient. On the other hand, a game on you phone can prioritise usability and portability at the expense of some maintainability, robustness and even correctness (if it crashes or glitches, does it matter that much?).

Some Guiding Principles

In general when programming we want our code to be modular in some way: we want our code to exist in independent chunks, each of which achieves a simple task, which can then be combined to perform more complex tasks. Writing functions is a good example of this, where each function generally calculates a single thing, but combining functions can process data in very complex ways. We can approach classes in a similar way, breaking structures into smaller classes which represent individual things and building more complex structures from these components through processes like composition or inheritance. This leads to more flexible representations that allow us to make efficient changes to our code.

Below are some commonly recurring ideas in software design that you may want to consider. Bear in mind however, that there are no strict rules governing “good” or “bad” code design, and therefore no rule is applied 100% of the time. Make sure you always keep the goals of your code in mind when making choices about how to write it.

Program To Interfaces

We’ve seen when discussing inheritance that inferfaces can be created using abstract classes or templates. Interfaces are a key aspect of flexible, extensible class design, as they specify the expected functionality that a class will need without restricting the specific class. This means that if we program to an interface we can change the implementation of that component without changing any of the code for the parts of the program which use it, making updating our code much more efficient and flexible. This is generally a good property of programs that we should strive for when possible.

Suppose, for example, that our program needs to load and display an image. There exists many different file formats for images, which all represent the images in different ways. In a bitmap image the colour values are stored for every pixel individually, and the image can be drawn by going through it pixel by pixel. A jpeg image on the other hand uses a special compression format that breaks the image into blocks (8 pixels by 8 pixels) and stores fourier components for those blocks. In order for the image to be reconstructed and displayed, we have to reconstruct each block by multiplying those fourier components by the basis functions. The functionality for the end user is the same either way: load an image, and display it. Code that the user writes shouldn’t have to care what the format of the image is in order to be able to use it, and this is where an interface becomes useful. If we have an ImageDisplay interface which promises a load and display function will be available, then we can write code which works with arbitrary objects which inherit from this class. We can then choose which implementation of the ImageDisplay interface to use based on the kind of file we are loading just at one single point (when the object is created), and the rest of the code is completely agnostic about that choice of implementation.

Different object-oriented languages have different approach to implementing the concepts of interfaces. C++ has no explicit “interface” construct, but interfaces are usually implemented by abstract classes.

  • An interface is a guarantee that an object will implement a certain set of functionality.
  • The abstract class that defines an interface should not implement that functionality itself.
  • The functionality defined in an interface should be minimal to describe what is needed from objects of this kind.

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

The principle of KISS is straight-forward: try to keep your programs simple and understandable. Don’t obfuscate your code with complex structures that you don’t need or use, but keep things direct and make sure the structure of your code reflects the concepts that you are trying to model.

DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself

The basic principle here is to organise your code into re-usable blocks rather than rewriting the same functionality repeatedly. If you have some calculation that appears multiple times throughout your code, you can place that calculation inside a function which is called in different places to avoid repeating that logic.

RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialisation

The concept of RAII is of great importance in a language like C++ which allows you to manage memory manually. This pattern is designed to make your classes memory safe, and generally entails two key principles:

  • Memory allocated by your class should be allocated in the constructor.
  • Memory allocated by your class should be de-allocated in the destructor.

If the constructor fails to allocate the resources required for the class, then it should throw an exception. Any resources already allocated by the class before reaching the exception should be deallocated by the destructor.

The goal is to guarantee the following:

  • Resources that are required by the object exist for the full lifetime of the object. This will prevent invalid memory access attempts.
  • Resources that are allocated by the object do not exist for longer than the object itself. This will prevent memory leaks.

Since it’s good practice to use smart pointers for any pointers which actually own data (and therefore we should not need to manually make calls to delete in our destructor), the main times when we need to be concerned with RAII are in dealing with opening and reading or writing resources such as files. However, RAII can also be very useful for interfacing with C libraries which deal with raw pointers and which have specialised methods for creating and freeing them (rather than using new and delete); it can also often be easier to deal with C-style arrays rather than vectors when programming with MPI or interfacing to other devices like GPUs.

RAII typically means wrapping these resources that you want to use in some class: rather than accessing a file directly in a function, which could be interrupted by an exception before it can close the file, wrap the file in a class which will automatically close the file in the destructor if the object goes out of scope. Then use that class in your function to access your file. If something goes wrong and an exception is thrown, your file will be closed when the stack unwinds and the file wrapper object is deleted.

RAII and Copying

Special care needs to be taken when objects that implement the RAII pattern are allowed to be copied. C++ will, where possible, implement a default copy constructor, which allows the object to be copied, e.g.

MyObj obj1;
MyObj obj2 = obj1;  // calls copy constructor to build obj2 by copying data from obj1

The trouble with copies comes when we have classes which contain resources like raw pointers or file handles that need to be deleted or closed.

class MyObj
        p = new int(5);

        delete p;

    int *p;
  • This class very responsibly places the allocation for the pointer in the constructor and the deallocation in the destructor, so creating a MyObj and letting it go out of scope will not cause any leaks.

The problem with the raw pointer is that the default copy will simply copy the pointer across. This means that both obj1 and obj2 will contain a pointer to the same address, and consequenctly both destructors will attempt to free it. This is a double free error and will cause our program to crash! We have failed to properly model ownership of the resources in the case of the copy: we must always know which objects own what resources.

When smart pointers are not appropriate, we can control this copy behaviour by overriding or disabling the copy constructor.

Overriding the Copy Constructor

The copy constructor for a given type looks like this:

class MyObj
    // copy constructor
    MyObj(const MyObj &other)

  • It takes a (possibly const) reference to an object of the same class as its argument. It’s usually a good idea to make this a const reference since you probably don’t want your copy operation to be able to alter the original object!
  • It can take other parameters if you want but they must have default values supplied in the argument list. E.g. MyObj(const MyObj &other, int i=2){...}.

We can override this to make a deep copy by having the new object’s pointer point to a different memory location, and instead copy the data that the first object points to into the new location as well.

class MyObj
    // copy constructor
    MyObj(const MyObj &other)
        p = new int(*other.p);


Note that this deep copy means that the data that these two objects point to is now independent: changing one won’t change the other because they are looking at different addresses.

Disabling the Copy Constructor

We can prevent copying entirely by disabling the copy constructor.

class MyObj
    // copy constructor
    MyObj(const MyObj &other) = delete;


This makes it a compilation error to try to copy the object, and therefore the our code MyObj obj2 = obj1; won’t compile at all.

There are more approaches that one can take to this problem depending on exactly what ownership behaviour you want, just always remember to consider ownership when implementing classes with RAII.

Decoupling Code with Abstract Classes & Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a commonly used technique to make a pair of classes which depend on one another loosely coupled, i.e. to make changes to one class as independent of the other class as possible.

Consider for example the case where we have one class which contains an instance of another. In this case, a Simulation class which contains a simple Data class.

class Data
    void print()
        for(auto x: data)
            std::cout << x << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    vector<int> data;

class Simulation
        data = std::unique_ptr<Data>(new Data());

    void printData()

        std::unique_ptr<Data> data;
  • The definition of class Simulation is dependent on the definition of class Data.
  • The constructor for Simulation calls the constructor of Data directly; if the constructor of Data changes (because we have changed something about our data representation) then the class Simulation must also be changed.
  • The class Data may develop and contain functionality that is irrelevant to what Simulation needs.

Dependency injection is generally achieved by using an abstract class in place of a concrete type for a component of a class. The abstract class defines a interface that must be met by any class that you want to use, but does not enforce what exactly that class should be. This allows you to design a class which can be reused with different components which fulfil the same functionality depending on what you need it for.

class AbstractSimData
    virtual void print() = 0;

class Data : public AbstractSimData
    void print()
        for(auto x: data)
            std::cout << x << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    vector<int> data;
  • AbstractSimData is an abstract class, because its function print is not implemented. It defines the interface that any data class that wants to be used with the Simulation class would need to implement.
  • print is pure and virtual which means that it will always be overridden by a derived class. This defines a “contract”: a set of functionality that anything which inherits from this abstract class must implement. We can use such abstract classes to define minimal functionality required by other classes: this is sometimes referred to as an “interface”.
    • Interfaces are a core language feature of some other languages like Java and C#, but are not explicitly implemented in C++.
    • In C++ we generally implement interfaces using abstract classes containing only pure virtual functions and variables.

The trick with dependency injection is to then pass (a.k.a. “inject”) the component you want to use to a constructor or setter function. This is done at runtime rather than compile time, and means that different instances of the class can be instantiated with different components based on run-time considerations.

class Simulation
    Simulation(unique_ptr<AbstractSimData> &inData)
        data = std::move(inData);

    void printData()

        std::unique_ptr<AbstractSimData> data;
  • Now Simulation works with an abstract class AbstractSimData, which does not itself contain an implementation of print. It doesn’t care how it gets done, just that it can be done.
  • Note that the Simulation class now does not call the constructor for the data object: the Data implementation can change completely as long as it still implements the print method, which is the only thing that we need from it in this example. The Simulation class is now decoupled from any elements of the Data class that it does not directly need to know about and use.

We gain even more flexibility by using a setter function. With this kind of structure we can also create classes that allow components to be swapped out during the lifetime of the object, meaning that the functionality of the object can be changed during runtime.

class Simulation
    Simulation(unique_ptr<AbstractSimData> &inData)
        data = std::move(inData);

    void setData(unique_ptr<AbstractSimData> &inData)
        data = std::move(inData);

    void printData()

        std::unique_ptr<AbstractSimData> data;
  • If we have two data sets dataSet1 and dataSet2 we can now change the data that the Simulation object looks at runtime without creating a new Simulation object.
  • dataSet1 and dataSet2 don’t even need to be the same type, as long as they are both of a type which inherits from AbstractSimData!

Example: Strategy Pattern

One way that we can make use of this kind of class structure is to be able to select different solutions for the same problem at runtime. Often the best solution to use for a particular problem will depend on the details of that problem: some sorting algorithms are faster on shorter lists while other are faster on longer lists, or some integrators might be more accurate and efficient when integrating slowly changing functions but others work better for oscillating functions. If we have a class which needs to have a component which achieves a task like sorting or integrating, then rather than having multiple versions of that class with different concrete implementations of these algorithms built in, we can have a class which contains an abstract sorter or integrator class. We can then have different sub-classes of our abstract class that implement the different solutions to our problem, and we can pass different solutions into our main class, or even change solutions throughout the runtime based on considerations that we can’t know at compile time (e.g. the length of a list that needs to be sorted). This is commonly known as the Strategy Pattern (a “pattern” is just a term for a general purpose solution which is commonly applied in programming).

Example: Factory Pattern

When dealing with abstract classes it is sometimes useful to be able to make objects of different sub-classes depending on runtime considerations. In this case, we can define another class or method, sometimes known as a “factory”, which returns something of the base type. Let’s say we have a system that allows a person to register with the University as either a Student or an Employee, both of which inherit from a generic Person class. Whether or not we create Student or Employee object will depend on the input that the person gives us, which we cannot know before run time. We can then create a class or function which returns a Person type, but which, depending on the information input, may create a Student or Employee object and return a pointer to that.

Implementing Multiple Interfaces

When working with interfaces which define minimal behaviour, it is possible that useful objects will need to implement more than one set of behaviour. This is easy to do when the sets of behaviour are nested i.e. we can model it with a chain of inheritance. (An Undergraduate is a type of Student which is a type of UniversityMember.) Things can be slightly more complicated when an object implements two different functionalities which are independent of one another, for example a StudentTeachingAssistant is a Student and an Employee, but a Student is not a type of Employee (and vice versa).

In this case we would need to implement two interfaces independently, which can be done using multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance is a complex topic in C++ that goes beyond implementing multiple abstract interfaces, so you should think carefully about whether, and how, you use it.

As an example, let’s say we have a computer system that models people in a university and it has two classes Student and Employee to represent roles which can be taken by people in the university. We’ll have some systems that process employees, and some that deal with students. There will likely be multiple types of students and employees, which we can fit seamlessly into these systems by having derived classes which inherit from Student or Employee. Now say we want a class to model a student teaching assistant - these are both students and employees, and should be able to function in parts of the system that deal with either. In this case we need a class that is recognisable as both a Student and an Employee in our program. We can do this by declaring multiple inheritance:

class StudentTA : public Student, public Employee {};
  • We can declare a class to inherit from as many classes as we like
  • We need to declare public, private, or protected for each class we inherit from.

There are some special problems that we need to look out for when working with multiple inheritance.

  • If more than one base class contains a member with the same name, then calling for that member from the derived class will be ambiguous and result in a compiler error. For example, if Student and Employee both have a department member variable (or function), calling myTA.department will be ambiguous unless it is overridden by the StudentTA class.
    • Remember that inherited classes contain copies of the base classes that they inherit from.
    • This means that if the variable myTA is of type StudentTA then it will actually have two different department variables: Student::department and Employee::department. These are independent of one another.
    • These can be explicitly accessed using e.g. myTA.Student::department. (Note that this can be done in derived classes in general, if you want to explicitly access the member of a base class even without multiple inheritance.)
    • N.B. This is not a problem when working with interfaces since this can resolve the ambiguity. For example, if I have a function such as calculatePayroll(Employee &person) which accesses the department variable, then because the person is being interpreted as being of type Employee in this context, calling person.department will unambiguously look for the department associated with the Employee class. This is because an object being treated as an Employee can only have access to the Employee members, and so can’t know about any members from the Student class.
    • Try not to duplicate functionality like department in multiple classes. If closely related classes implement the same functionality, it could be that this is better handled by a super-class from which they inherit e.g. UniversityMember.
  • Special problems arise from the “Diamond Problem”: this is where a class inherits from two classes, which in turn both inherit from the same class. For example, if we have a UniversityMember class, and Employee and Student both inherit from UniversityMember, and then StudentTA inherits from both Employee and Student.
    • In this case our StudentTA object contains both Employee and Student objects.
    • The Employee object contains a UniversityMember object.
    • The Student object contains a UniversityMember object as well.
    • This means our StudentTA has two versions of all of the UniversityMember member variables and functions! These cannot be made unambiguous because they originate from the same class, and thus we can’t use the namespace to differentiate.
    • We can solve this using virtual inheritance. If Employee and Student both use virtual inheritance from person (class Employee : virtual public UniversityMember) then there will only ever be one copy of the base class.